Thursday, December 31, 2009

Cancer Blue Moon, Lunar Eclipse New Years Eve Ritual

Cancer Blue Moon, Lunar Eclipse
New Years Eve Ritual
December 31, 2009

Starhawk: Children’s Lunar Elemental Invocations from Full Moon House Blessing, from Circle Round, and chant.
Lady Cattra Shadow the Scarlet Cat, Goddess Invocation
Chrsitine Moonflower: Goddess Invocation, embellishments


Smudge stick and salted water
Blue Spruce incense
3 stages of the moon candle holders
New Years Goals
A mini cauldron
Tarot cards

In preparation for the ritual, take a ritual bath and dress in new clothing if at all possible. Take a moment to review the year in your mind, take stock, count your blessings and acknowledge and let go of any upsets. Meditate, mourn, celebrate and say goodbye then smudge and asperge the room and altar and say:

I cleanse this room, this sacred space, so it may be cleansed of the old year and that it may be made ready to welcome in the new.

Smudge and asperge yourself in preparation for the ritual. Say:

I cleanse myself (NAME) so I may be cleansed of the old year and that it may be made ready to welcome in the New Year, body, mind and soul.

Face the North and say:
She shines through the deep night of the North
Bringing forth grounding, transformation, prosperity and a pregnant promise

Face the East and say:
She shines in the farthest reaches of the East
Clearing the old away and bringing forth the bright new, reborn light of a new day, a new year

Face the South and say:
She shines in the blazing glory of the South
Burning the Old Year to ashes and illuminating a light that will lead us to home and hearth again

Face the West and say:
She shines through the twilight in the West
A watery wave that purifies and washes, rebirths and comforts all

She shines on through and in all
Illuminating the children who seek her
Who wish to touch her brilliant face
We call to you oh Moon Mother
Oh Celestial Goddess of the Waves
Of stars and watery wombs
Oh Accumulation of all her faces
Oh eclipse, oh light Shrouded
Oh Darkness within Illuminated
Oh Mystery, Oh Unknown, Oh Promise
We call to you
Enter our circle and our rite
Celebrate and join us, show us your lovely face

Light the Waxing crescent Moon candle and say:
Maiden, cast your circle white, Weave a web of healing light.
Round and Round the Circle's Cast, Joining Present, Future and Past.

Light the Full Moon candle and say:
Mother, cast your circle red, Weave the strands of family threads.
This Sacred Space shall now be Bound, As I cast this Circle Round.

Light the Waning crescent Moon candle and say:
Old Crone, cast your circle black, Weave the wisdom that we lack.
Thrice is the Circle cast this Night and now begins my Magick Rite.

Blessed be all three, Blessed be!

Now is the time to perform any acts of divination to see what you should have learned in the last year and what challenges and joys the New Year will bring.

After divination it is time to bless you New Years Goals. Say the goals you would like to achieve out load and ask the Elements and Goddess to help you achieve them. Coat the paper it candle wax and burn it, with your promise to do your best to achieve these goals and to release them to the universe. As the paper burns chant:

She changes everything she touches and everything she touches, changes
She changes everything she touches and everything she touches, changes
Change is, touch is; touch is, change is. Change us, touch us; touch us, change us.
We are changers; everything we touch can change. We are changers; everything we touch can change.

At this time prepare a simple feast of fruit, cake and an alcoholic beverage. Give offerings to the Moon, the Stars, The Elements, The Elementals, Gods, Ancestor and all things seen and unseen. Release the circle and the Elements and Goddess, with emphasis that they may stay and enjoy the rest of the party as they wish. Then drink, eat and be merry and when the sun rises tomorrow begin slowly working towards your goals.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blue Moon

Blue Moon

There are many references to a “Blue Moon, “in our modern society. Most often the phrase, “Once in a Blue Moon, “is uttered as something that happens only occasionally; something rare and sometimes, something very special. Songs full of loneliness and sadness surround the Blue Moon. This wasn’t always this way. The Phrase “Blue Moon,” comes to us around four hundred years ago and was a saying to express absurdities. It was like saying that the moon was made of green cheese. “He would argue that the moon was blue,” was someone that would argue that black was white. It was also a way to say that something never happened or was never going to happen. “I will merry you at the Blue Moon.” Meaning he would never marry her.

The term Blue moon seems to have four distinct definitions. One refers to an actual Moon whose light appears blue in color. This occurs very rarely only a few times in a century, it happens when large amounts of dust or smoke particles linger in the atmosphere. Usually this is after a catastrophic event like a raging wildfire or a volcanic eruption. The smoke causes the long-wavelength light, which appears red to the viewer, to be scattered out of the line of sight and short-wavelength light, which appears blue to the viewer, is selectively transmitted into the viewer’s eyes.

The second and older definition for a Blue Moon is an extra Full moon that occurred in a season; one season usually had three Full Moons. If a season had four full Moons, then the third Full Moon was the Blue moon. This event can only occur in February, May, August or November, about a month before the Equinoxes and the Solstices.

A third for a Blue Moon is two Full Moons that occur in a row with the same sign. This only occurs when the first Full Moon is in Zero or One degree of the sign and the next Full Moon is in 28 or 29 degrees of the same sign

The fourth most recent, most common and wildly accepted definition for a Blue Moon is a Full Moon that occurs twice in a calendar month. This happens because a lunar month is a 28-29 day cycle while our calendar month is usually 30-31 days long. This means that the extra days begin to accumulate about, 11 or 12 days a year and about once every 28 months you have an extra full moon. For a Blue Moon to occur, the first of the Full Moons must appear at or near the beginning of the month so that the second would fall within the same month. Blue Moons can occur in any month except for February, because it s shorter than a lunar month. A Blue Moon occurs about 7 times in a 19 year period. Occasionally whether a moon is called blue depends on the time zone. Any full moon occurs simultaneously everywhere, but at that moment clocks and calendars are not the same. It may be early evening in Europe on August 31, but it is early morning in Australia. So people viewing the Moon from England would see that this was the second Full Moon of the moth and would deem it the Blue Moon while those in Australia would not.

Double Full Moons which is when two Blue moons occur in one calendar year happens approximately once every 19 years. The months of the Double Blue Moon are almost always January and March. That is because the short month of February falls in between them. February is a key ingredient in this once-every-19-year phenomenon. For January and March to each have two full moons, it's necessary for February to have none at all. Since February is usually 28 days long, and the average span between full moons is 29.5 days, if a full moon occurs at the end of January, it's possible for the next full moon to skip February entirely and fall in the beginning of March.

Whichever definition you go by a Blue Moon is a rare and powerful event. Oftentimes these Moons are called “Goal Moons,” and are especially powerful times for spell work involving setting goals especially longer terms goals that you would like to accomplish between now and the next Blue Moon. Blue Moons are good times to look over your past and review your accomplishments and failures.

At the Blue Moon the Lunar energies are amplified. Some say that Blue Moon energies are Full Moons on steroids and are potent times for all kinds of attracting spell work prosperity, love, luck and healing magick is very powerful at this time, just make sure to be very clear on your intentions and what you want or it can have unexpected and sometimes undesired results.

Blue moon energies are said to hold all the knowledge and wisdom of the Goddess and is an accumulations of the Goddesses three sides; Maiden, Mother and Crone. It is also a Full Moon that allows greater ad easier communication between us and the divine. It is a thinning of the veil; meditation, prayer, divination and acts of prophecy are easier at this time.

It is said that during a Full Blue moon that the Moon has a face and that she spoke to those in its light, imparting wisdom for the year to come. So seek her out and enjoy this rare, powerful Moon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

December Long Nights Moon

December Long Nights Moon

Also known as: The Oak Moon, The Elder Moon, Birch Moon, Poinsettia Moon, Snow Moon, Bitter Moon, Yule Moon, Christmas Moon, Big Winter Moon, Moon of Popping Trees, and Tortoise Moon.
* Colors: White, Silver, Blue, Red, Green and Black.
* Scents: Patchouli, Rose Geranium, Frankincense, Myrrh Citrus and Evergreen Trees, Spices
* Gemstones: Serpentine & Peridot, Selenite Obsidian, Ruby, Jacinth, Turquoise
* Herbs and Trees: Winter Jasmine, Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus, Cinnamon, Fir, and Pine trees, Holly, Mistletoe, English Ivy, Apples, Bayberry, Violets, Birch, Yew.
* Gods: Hathor, Horus, Osiris, Ra, Neith, Hecate, Athena, Minerva, Cronos, Mithra, Persephone and Hades, Poseidon, Cybele, Attis, Apollo, Thor, Odin, Frey,
Ixchel, Horned God, Herne, Cerunnos, Lugh, Bladr, Befana, Santa Claus throughout the world, Green Man, Father Time,
* Animals: Deer, Elk, Moose, and Reindeer, Horse, Geese, Ducks, Wren, Robin, Heron, Cranes, Mice, Spiders,
* Foods: “Christmas,” Cookies, Fruitcake, Turkey, Goose, Roasts, Ham, Plum Puddings, Wassail, root veggies, soups, comfort foods,
* Element: Fire
The Long Nights Moon is the Moon closest to the Winter Solstice. It gets its name for the cold, long and dark nights in which it shines. The December Full moon is quite striking and brilliant; a stark contrast to the dull and weak Winter Sun. The Moon raises extra high over head and seems to hover in one place for a long time. Its light reflects off the snow and lights up the night, creating a magickal and mysterious world, full of wonder and peace. This is a silent, cold and hopeful Moon. It can also be a lonely one with the Moon hovering alone, the only light in the black sky and a feeling that the darkness is never ending. The December Full Moon is also called the Snow Moon and Bitter Moon to reflect the weather conditions at this time and the Yule Moon, and Christmas Moon, due to its proximity to these holidays.

The December Full Moon’s second most popular name is the Oak Moon. The Oak tree is a very masculine, sacred and resilient tree. It withstands even the harshest weather. The Oak is a sacred tree to the Druids and to the God Jupiter. The Oak has its branches in the sky connecting it with the Gods and higher consciousness; it’s trunk in the material world and its roots deep in the soil connecting it with the dead, the Ancestors and the Underworld. This tree is a very balanced and grounded tree. It is a good symbol for us to look to at this time of year, as we can be swept up in a flurry of activities and can lose ourselves and find ourselves in an imbalance. It is important at this time when all the green world lies sleeping to make sure we take time to recharge and rest. It also is a symbol reminding us that we exist in the mental, physical and spiritual planes, and that more is going on now than meets the eye. At this time of year the Waning God, the Holly King, Battles the Waxing God, the Oak King and temporary loses his kingdom to the Oak King , who brings forth the Newborn Sun, and heralds in the lengthening days, light, growth and promise of rebirth. Mistletoe is a parasitical plant that grows high in the Oak branches and produces white berries at this harsh time of year. The berries are a symbol of fertility and the semen and seed of the God.

The Long Nights Moon is a time to rid yourself of any darkness you may be holding onto. It is a good time to rid yourself of negativity and banish bad habits. It is also a good time to forgive and let go of any grudges, especially as it relates to people closest to you; your family and friends. At Yule the year is born anew and you do not want to be dragged down by anything. Clean, prepare and make ready for the New Year. Set goals and perform spells for balance, prosperity, endurance, strength and courage. Candle and fire magick is very appropriate at this time. As well as magick for the hearth and home. Perform a house blessing. Spend some quality time with your family, decorating, cooking, crafting, sharing stories of Yuletides Past and of those who have gone before. Connect with your ancestors, make them part of the celebration, bake your Grandmothers gingerbread recipe Put out photos of deceased loved ones. Make ornaments with their pictures. Set a place for the dead at the dinner table, toast and honor their memory. Teach children some stories of your ancestry; explore Christmas/Yule traditions throughout the world. Craft; make your own ornaments and homemade gifts for those you love. Celebrate and remember.

The Long nights Moon is an excellent time to face your own darkness and to allow yourself to be reborn in the new light of the season to look back at the old year and see what you endured, to acknowledge your strength, your accomplishments and to set goals and remove obstacles. The Long Nights Moon is a great time to work with children and to honor your inner child. Let the children in your life bring energy and magick into your own. It is also an excellent time for psychic and astral work, teaching yourself to recognize and read omens, divine for the future and it is an amazing time to do past life work.

The Long nights Moon is an excellent time to honor the Goddess, and Mother’s throughout the world. Take some time to recognize all the hard work your Mother has done, and all she has sacrificed. Realize that it was a great act of love, compassion and strength to endure the pain of childbirth and to bring you into this world. Honor you Mother with gifts, help her around the house, cook and clean for her, give her a break and just make it known how much you appreciate what she does for you, and how much she means to you. A great ritual for this time of year would be to perform a healing and support spell to the Goddess so that she may have a quick and easy labor. You may make an herbal pillow, stuffed with healing and labor easing herbs, (Apple, Black and Blue Cohosh, Cherry, Cornsilk, Chickweed, Chammmomile, Dandelion, Lady’s Mantle, Lavender, Mallow, Meadowsweet, Motherswort, Mugwort, Nettles, Oatstraw, Peach, Plum, Raspberry/blackberry Rosemary, Rose, Strawberry, Trillium, Valerian, etc). You may place this pillow in a basket or bed with a symbol of a pregnant goddess. Or take some of these herbs and make them into an infused oil to rub upon a Pregnant Goddess statue. You may wish to bath a pregnant statue in healing and calming herbs, offer her healing and strengthening foots, anoint her in infused oil and your blessings. You may sing, dance, to ease her pain. You may send energy and breathe in a Lamas type style to help her. You can stand watch and stay up at Yule and wait until the Sun rises. Be the Goddesses Midwife, her support and her strength. You may also wish to craft a blessing to the new born Lord and give symbolic gifts, of health, strength, prosperity, fertility and love to him.

Long Nights Moon is an important time to be aware and generous of those less fortunate than you; those suffering, cold, alone and without. Give what you can to those in need. Donate canned food, and warm clothes to local charities, sponsor a family, and spend some time shoveling snow for your elderly neighbors. Set out bird seed for your local birds. Be mindful and kind and count your blessings. Bless the money, food or objects you donate with some extra energy, charge a can of food with much needed prosperity; the clothes with comfort, warmth and job opportunities, etc. Also, know that no matter how desolate you are how much you are suffering that even giving a little helps a lot and is spell for abundance itself and that your small act will reverberate to the people who receive it and to yourself as well.

The Long Nights Moon is an excellent time to recognize and help foster peace, and the unification of humanity. We are all celebrating such similar ideas. We are all facing the darkness and waiting for the light, celebrating our cultures, our traditions and our families. Having faith and trusting that Light will return, that peace can spread to the world and that the divine creates miracles. We are united in our similar beliefs, and should embrace them and each other. This is not the time to cry out saying that pagans did this or that first, but is a time to embrace and realize that simple truths never die just are reborn and transformed for the cultures and time periods they exist in. Embrace your neighbor, you culture and your fellow man, live and love and be at peace and one with all your human family.

Blessed Be!

Grandmother Moon ZSuzsanna E. Budapest
Wheel of the Year Pauline Campanelli
Moon Magic DJ Conway
Brighid’s Healing Gina McGarry
Everyday Moon Magic Dorothy Morrison

Friday, October 23, 2009

November Moon Goddess Ritual

November Moon Goddess Ritual
By Alexius

November 1st, Sunday, 2009
Gathering will be at 6:30, ritual will start promptly at 7, feasting will follow ritual.

Please email Alexius at for address. Or contact Carlee through email at or call at 801-719-4066.

Please bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share, your own chalice, a bowl, mirror or both. Please dress warmly as we will be outside and the ritual will go on regardless of weather. Ritual garb is appropriate and encouraged.

This ritual is not a Samhain ritual but a Full Moon rite. This ritual is not appropriate for children under the age of 12.

Hope to see you all there!

Blessed Be!

November Mourning Moon

November Mourning Moon by Christine Moonflower

Also known as: Beaver Moon, Tree Moon, Frost Moon, Fog Moon, Snow Moon, Owl Moon, Trading Moon, Mad Moon, Dark Moon and Moon of Storms
* Colors: Gray, blues, browns,
* Scents: Cedar, sage, pumpkin pie, cinnamon, cloves
* Gemstones: Lapis lazuli, turquoise, topaz, apache tear
* Trees: Cypress, alder, hazel
* Gods: Bastet, Isis, Kali, Hecate, Astarte Hecate, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Nicnevin, Mawu
* Herbs: Thistle, betony, fennel, chrysanthemum, verbena, borage, mugwort, patchouli
* Foods: Left over foods from the harvest, corn, squash, pumpkins, root vegetables, garlic, potatoes, carrots, turnips, onions. Smoked meats, wild game, wild birds
* Element: Water
The Mourning Moon is the Moon following the October Blood Moon. It gets its name for its proximity to the Sabbat Samhain, and for the fact that this is very much a time of death and a time to mourn, not only your Beloved Dead, the harvest’s end, and nature’s descent into darkness, but it is a time to mourn for seeds sown that never came to fruition, goals that were never accomplished, the plans that never worked out, the relationships that have ended and the parts of ourselves that you have or must let go of in order to change and renew.

The mourning moon comes at a time between times, a great transition and shift of energy; we are coming down from the activity of the harvest and the celebrations of Samhain and entering the joyous time of rebirth at Yule. Many of us have over indulged in either in too much food or drink, in too much time and energy spent planning celebrations and rituals and have spent too much time working in the underworld and on the astral. We may find ourselves a bit out of sorts and a bit out of balance. Now, is the time to step back a little, to retreat to curl up, covered in a blanket, around a roaring fire, to sip tea and eat your favorite warming, comfort foods and to just take a moment for ourselves. Now, is the time to really think upon the lessons learned this year. Now, is the time to take stock and to release any negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Now, is the time to let go of any regrets, to right any wrongs and forgive and free yourself from anger or disappointments. The Mourning Moon is the perfect time to cut ties with people in your life that are no longer needed or wanted, it is the perfect time to cut ties with those who are toxic and destructive. It is also the perfect time to really nurture positive relationships, to strengthen bonds with family and friends and to celebrate life.

At this great change and transition it is easy for us to get a little lost in the approaching darkness, to be a bit consumed by it. We may feel gloomy, depressed, or irritable, and we may experience low energy. We may wade the dark waters of our soul, we may mourn for pieces of ourselves we may feel is lost to us; we may mourn our youth, and fight against the passage of time. It’s is important to allow for these feelings and to experience your own darkness. Let these emotions and thoughts fill you, experience them then let them go. You are in the process of being reborn; you are shedding your old skin like a snake. You are giving up the old to make room for the new. Give yourself time to mourn, to think, to go inward to work on yourself, to have some time for yourself, then emerge renewed and experience life again. Host a get together, go skiing, go to a green house and see living plants again. Pick out a few to decorate your house and to remind you of life in the darkness.

The Mourning Moon is a time to pause, to reflect and to plan ahead. To most Witches and Pagans Samhain heralds in the New Year. This time is a strange unformed time, a space between times when anything is possible but there are also many uncertainties. It is important to really think about what you want to attract in the New Year, what energy you want to draw near, what goals do you want to set, what energies do you want to take root. It is a time to prepare for these energies, to make room for them. It is a great time to mentally prepare and plan your future harvests, to create future abundance and is an excellent time for money and prosperity spells.

This Moon gets the name Beaver Moon from the traps that were set to catch beavers in order to obtain their warm fur. November was a good time to do this because the rivers and swamps were not yet frozen. Also at this time beavers were actively preparing for Winter and can be seen more often. This reflects in our own life as we busily prepare for the coldest and darkest time of the year.

This moon gets the name Frost Moon, Fog Moon, Snow Moon, and Moon of Storms because of what is going on in nature. By now the harvests are in, the fruits have been preserved, the veggies canned, the herds thinned and the wild game hunted and their meat smoked and preserved. The skies are a flat and s calm, bleak gray, filled with storms, the weather fluctuates between wind and rains and snow, which accumulates quickly and melts, creating a muddy, wet and wilted mess. The first frost has passed, and now it freezes almost every night. The fields lay fallow. The trees once decorated in all of Autumn’s glorious colors are now barren and their skeletal branches dance in the breeze as they put down roots. The Earth is bathed in an ever increasing darkness and blanketed with snow. She is sleeping underneath, resting, rejuvenating, healing and dreaming. Now is the perfect time to rest, to rejuvenate and to heal. It is also a great time to work with dream magick to start a dream journal, to learn how to interpret your dreams, and to make dream pillows.

The longer time spent inside also makes this a perfect time to work on all matters of home and hearth, to prepare and repair. Have you winterized your house? Now, is also a great time to work with hearth magick and fire magick, to bless and make candles and to make useful and creative crafts. It is a great time to make Hex Signs, charms of house hold blessing, protection and prosperity, embroider, knit, sew and perform Kitchen Witchery. It is also a good time to study and learn something new, and is an excellent time to strengthen your connection with deity the thin veil at the Mourning Moon makes it a great time for astral travel, divination and psychic work of any kind. . It is also a great time to perform protection magick, to do magick working with removing obstacles, and to banish illness.

Be mindful of your health throughout the Mourning Moon, do not allow yourself to get run down, get plenty of sleep, eats lots of warm nutritious foods, and drink teas and eat foods that strengthen your immunity. It is also advised that though this is a time of rain and snow the humidity in your house is usually pretty low, studies have shown that the humidity in your house can actually be lower than that of the Sierra Desert; this is largely due to your heaters constant dry heat. A good remedy for this is to run a humidifier in your home, the humidifier will help prevent microscopic cuts from forming in your lungs allowing for a place for bacteria and viruses to enter and multiply.

At the Mourning Moon let your mind and spirit wander around the Moon’s cold surface, let yourself contemplate the darkness that she lights and all the ends and new beginnings of this time. Spend sometime in the darkness, experiencing its mysteries and let g0. Make room for her bright light and set goals and look forward to the future. Spend some time in doors working on projects and learning new skills. Spend some time with family and friends, strengthening bonds and be mindful and count all the abundance blessings in your life. Blessed Be!

“Salute the Moon in Her snowy whiteness and breathe in the coolness of Her light. Become as still as this Winter night and know that the activity of the warm light months is behind us. Ahead are the dark months of the year. The spirit is most active when the body is most still.” ~ Pauline Campanelli, Wheel of the Year.

Everyday Moon Magic Dorothy Morrison
Moon Magic DJ Conway
Wheel of the Year Pauline Campanelli

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blood Moon Incens

Blood Moon Incense Christine Moonflower

The incense has approximately:

3 T Frankincense (before it was ground,)
1 heaping T Patchouli,
1 T Rosemary,
1 t Dragon’s Blood
1/2 t Mugwort
1 t Cinnamon,
1 t Clove,
1/2 t Copal

Grind it in your herbal coffee grinder until it is well ground and "fluffy." The mixture will turn into a bit of a brick in the jar, so make sure you have a spoon or a knife to remove the mixture.

October Blood Moon

October Blood Moon

Also called the Hunter’s Moon, Sanguine Moon, Shedding Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Ten Cold’s Moon, Full Travel Moon

* Colors: Dark blue, black, purples
* Gemstones: Obsidian, amethyst, tourmaline
* Trees: Apples and yew
* Gods: Death, The Crone, The Sage, Cerridwen, the Fates, The Norns, Hella, Callieach, Herne, Apollo, Cernunnos, Mercury, Odin
* Herbs: Apple blossom, pennyroyal, mint family, catnip, Sweet Annie
* Element: Air
The Blood Moon is the first Full Moon in October after the Harvest Moon, (the Full Moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox.) It gets its name from the bands of armed men who would go hunt flocks of birds and herds of deer; stock piling and preserving food for the long Winter ahead. It is said that if you hunt animals such as deer, elk or moose before the Hunter’s Moon that the meat tastes, “wild,” or “strong.” Hunting these animals would also interfere with the rut and thus hurt the herd’s population. This of course depends on where you live. The deer would also have been feasting on grasses and fattening up for the long Winter, making this time an ideal time to hunt them. The Harvest and the Blood Moon rises early in the sky, just after Sunset, this extended harvesting and hunting times.

The Blood Moon also gets its name from the fact that people would be accessing and slaughtering their livestock. These practices may sound barbaric to modern day man but they were common, and necessary. Meat was a valuable food, providing fat and protein; it was easily cured, dried and preserved and would last. Meat was often eaten seasonally, and killing an animal was taken seriously; an animal was often more useful alive than dead. Animals helped plow fields, provided milk, eggs, or wool. To kill something which you raised must have been a hard act, but it was done in the name or survival. It was also an act of mercy to kill animals that you could not keep through the Winter, better the animal be slaughtered and put to good use than starve to death. This closeness to life and death had a profound act on people; you actually got to see where your food came from. Hunters and farmers developed a connection and respect for the animals they killed. The Blood Moon is an excellent time to think about where your food comes from, whether it grown from fertile soil, or raised and slaughtered. It is a time to acknowledge and support the hard work of farmers and ranchers, and the many people who produced and provided this food. It is a time to give thanks and acknowledge your place in the food chain and in the cycle of life and death.

The Blood Moon is an excellent time to work with animal energies to thank the animals in your life. Whether it is sacrificing themselves so that you may eat, working hard on the field and farm, providing milk, eggs, wool and other commodities or pure companionship. You may wish to purify and bless your pets; in the past ancient man used to drive their herds through bonfires to purify, bless and protect them. You may wish to smudge your animals, to add a protective stone or charm to their collar and to just take a few minutes to thank them, to treat them, to spoil them and to really appreciate them. Now, would also be a good time to make sure your pets have all their shots, and to schedule their regular check ups. It would also be a nice act of magick to donate time, money, and cans of pet food, blankets and other items to your local animal shelters; or to work protesting animal abuse and fundraising, sending out petitions for harsher laws for abusers. It may be a good time to consider adopting a pet. You may also want to perform a ritual of remembrance for the animal companions you have loved and lost in your life. Another way to work with animal energies is to research, meditate and find out what your animal totems are.

The Blood Moon is a time to think about the cycles of life, death and rebirth, it is a time to think upon the mysteries of sacred blood. Whether it be the bloodshed ending a life, or the blood of the womb every 28 days, or the blood that is brought forth after giving birth. This can be a powerful time to work with the female and male mysteries, to perform rituals and rites of passage for people of your own gender.

The Blood Moon is also a time when the veil is thin between this world and the world of spirit. Working with your beloved dead, or spirit guides, meditation, or performing acts of divination will be easier and more powerful. This is a time when it is good to gather with friends and family and remember your beloved dead, share memories, host a dumb supper, cook some old family recipes, scrapbook old photos, research your genealogy, and just stay in, stay close to home and hearth and appreciate the gifts of the past and what you have now. Pay close attention to your dreams and your intuition at this time. Allow yourself to be receptive and open to any messages.

Acts of magick dealing with decrease are powerful and appropriate. Now is the time to settle old debts, to banish bad habits, to stop smoking, to remove disease, to separate yourself from a harmful relationship or to close a chapter in your life making room for something new. It is also a great time to perform spells to help you with karma and justice. It is also recommended that at this time you take special care of yourself, especially when it comes to your health. Eat right, taking full advantage of the Harvest’s bounty, strength your immunity with herbs and supplements, prepare yourself for the coming cool weather and for the cold and flu season.

The Blood Moon is a time of decrease, of dormancy and of death. It is a time when the Earth, the trees, the vines and flowers are exhausted for their continual production. It is a time when you may feel drained from Summer’s constant activity. Where you may wish to just sleep, to cuddle up in a warm blanket around the fire, when you feel the need to stay near family, home and hearth. It is a time when you may experience a quickening of energy as you pick up on the energy of the thin veil or you may feel drained and tired. You may mourn for Summer’s end, for the loss of your beloved dead or for your youth. Deal with issues of anger or sadness over death. Experience these energies. Let them wash over you and pass. All man dies a little as the season does, as the God’s do and like the season’s and the Gods they will be reborn again a new. Blessed Be!

Everyday Moon Magic Dorothy Morrison
Moon Magic DJ Conway

September: Harvest Moon

September: Harvest Moon
Christine Moonflower

Also known as: the Wine Moon, the Singing Moon, Wishing Moon, Barley Moon Chrysanthemum Moon, Fruit Moon, Sturgeon Moon and the Elk Call Moon.
* Colors: Browns and greens, earth tones
Scents: apples, berries, spices, sandalwood
* Gemstones: Citrine, chrysolite, peridot, bloodstone
* Trees: Bay, larch, hawthorn
* Gods: Demeter, Persephone, Brighid, Freyja, Vesta, Pomona, Dionysus and Bacchus,
Chang-O, Yi
* Herbs: Wheat, valerian, witch hazel, skullcap
Foods: Breads, soups, stews, squash, pumpkin, carrots, squash, tomatoes, beans, corn, potatoes, roots, berries, grapes, apples, wild game
* Element: Earth
The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. It can happen in September or in October depending on the year; it occurs in October about one out of every three years. The Harvest Moon gets its name from the bountiful harvest that is over flowing from our gardens this time of year and also from the fact that it rises about half an hour after the Sun sets, giving farmers a bright sky to light their fields. Most months the Moon rises roughly 50minutes later every day. During the years Equinox’s the difference changes dramatically. During the Spring Equinox the Moon rises as much as 90 minutes later , but in Autumn it can be as little as 14 minutes. In the Southern hemisphere this figure is reversed. The Harvest Moon will rise very soon after sunset and will rise about the same time for the next few days. The Harvest Moon rises at a point opposite to the sun and is situated close to the Eastern point of the horizon. The reason for the shorter than usual rising time between Moonrises is that the ecliptic or plane of Earth's orbit around the sun makes a narrow angle with respect to the horizon in the evening in low in the sky will appear bigger than when it is high in the sky. Autumn Full Moons that occurred too early in September were sometimes called the Green Corn Moon to distinguish them from the later moon when the plants were ready for harvesting.

The Harvest moon appears to be the brightest, closest, largest and longest moon to stay in the sky of the year. This is an illusion based on the fact that it rises so early in the sky. The Harvest Moon appears larger because of refraction, a bending of light. Just as light bends as it passes through a prism of water, light bends as it passes through the atmosphere. Autumn air is colder and denser, especially near the surface, on a clear night, the light bends even more than it would on warm Summer nights. In the simplest of terms, the cool Fall air curves the light and makes the Full Harvest Moon appear bigger. The Moon may also appears larger due to a phenomenon known as Moon Illusion basically the human eye sees the Moon hanging low in the sky and the brain perceives this object as larger.

One of the most magickal things about the Harvest Moon is its color. However the Moon does not change its hue. What changes is the air quality in the lower atmosphere. When you look at the Moon when it is near the horizon, the air that passes through has a lot of dust, dirt and pollen in it, which creates an orange, reddish color that the Moon has when it rises and loses as it climbs higher in the sky, it transitions from red to orange to yellow and to bright white. This is similar to the sunset.

The Harvest Moon time is a time to take stock, and to prepare for the coming Winter. This is both physicality and spiritually. Ancient people’s would be checking their stores and making sure they had enough to survive the Winter, their lives depended on the harvest. What have you sown, tended and harvested this year? Did your ideas and goals bear flower and fruit or did they wither on the vine? Did you tend them well enough? What would you like to work on now? What are your goals? What would you like to release to make room for something new?

The Harvest Moon is also called the Wishing Moon and is a powerful time to set goals, especially long term ones. It is a time to make lists of wishes, hopes and aspirations, which over time will come to fruition. says:

“Add a single drop of sandalwood, jasmine or willow oil to your wishing moon wish list as this will augment and align your intentions with the right mental, emotional and psycho-spiritual state.

Ideally, wrap your list around a moonstone and bury it until the next full moon. If you don't have a garden you can bury it in a flower pot or window box - burying in earth is best if you can. If you don't have a place to bury it, any other sacred place you keep things, such a secret hideaway, chest of personal items - some people have special boxes or altars or jars. Any of these will do as long as it is a sacred and special place to you.

As you place the list and stone you should say a few words to seal your intent for the things you wish for to manifest. You can pray to whatever being, deity, or universal principle you believe exists. Make sure you take the previous wishes from the special place before repeating this at the next Wishing moon, especially if they have come true!”

The Harvest Moon is a time for the hearth and the home and for family. It is a time to build strong bonds, to feed and nourish ourselves and our relationships with others. It is both a hurried time preparing for Winter and a quiet contemplative time as we go inward and prepare for dormancy. It is a time where we let go of the light we bathed in all summer and welcome a new inner light into our soul.

Spend some time at home, preparing your house for Fall. Clean the house, clear out clutter, and give any clothes or goods you have grown out of to charity, give non-perishable foods to your local food bank, and share the bounty of your harvest with family friends and neighbors. Give back some of what you have taken. Change the decorations from Summer to harvest, grind any herbs that you have neglected, finish up old projects. Learn a new skill such as embroidery, weaving, or canning. Let your inner Kitchen Witch out, spend some time learning the spell that is baking and cooking. Set up a kitchen altar, indulge in comfort foods. Take time to really smell, feel, see and taste the fruits of your labor. Pause, breath and enjoy.

Spend some time in the garden, weeding, trimming, cleaning up, planting some bulbs and getting the Earth ready for Winter’s sleep. A nice ritual you can do after the first frost of the season is to go outside with some apple cider, compost tea or other offering and give an offering of thanksgiving to the Earth, your gardens, to your trees and bushes. Thank them for their bounty and sing them to sleep, bless them with rest and protection from the coming cold weather. Another nice idea is to perform a ritual of thanksgiving with your family and friends, make a point to gather everyone for a feast. Bless the food in front of you, and each say what you are thankful for. Keep this feast manageable and low key, this feast should not be overcome by the stress of having to make everything perfect but should be a simple way of acknowledging your efforts, or being thankful and building family and community.

The Harvest Moon is also called the Wine Moon, this Moon arrives at the peak of the grape harvest. Wine and other alcoholic beverages were very sacred to ancient people as they typically were more sterile than drinking plain water, was a way to get extra nutrition , a simple celebration, an offering and as a powerful gateway into an altered state of consciousness. Drinking wine is a sacrament and allows you to quiet your very noisy and busy mind and get back to the physical pleasures of living, as well as contact your higher self and the Gods. It lowers inhabitations and produces a mild trance like state good for meditation, divination, astral travel, and spirit communication. I am not suggesting you get fall down drunk but a glass of wine in preparation for ritual or spell workings will help allow you to easily slip into the state of ritual consciousness. If you cannot have wine substitutes a good grape juice or sparkling grape juice. Think of the Mysteries of Dionysus and Bacchus. Toast and thank the Gods, Ancestors, spirits. Now is also a good time to try your hand at home brewing.

Harvest Moon and the Autumnal Equinox are excellent times for creating balance in our lives. Sit back take a moment and think on what area of your life needs balance. Has your main focus been your job and have you left your family and spirituality in the dust? Is you career suffering because you have existed too much in the faery realm? Are you intellectually fulfilled? Do you have time to spend with your friends? Have you seen your extended family in a while? How’s your health? Are you taking time to relax? Are making sure you have some “me,” time? What is lacking? What do you need to be balanced? Take a moment, think on these things and visualize balance coming to your life, harmony coming to your life. You can visualize all make and matter of yourself being equally balanced on a scale or see your body filling evenly with representations of these parts of yourself. Now is a great time to honor both the Goddess and the God, the Female and male aspects of you. Now is a good time to acknowledge and face, work with the shadow self and to allow this energy to be equal to you light.

Now is also a time to work with the themes of journeys, change of death of end. It is a good time to work with the energies and mythologies of the Descent of Inanna, the story of Demeter and Persephone and to work with the Chinese Gods Chang-O, and Yi.

Prepare yourself and your family a good meal, curl up on the coach with a comfy blanket and a cup of wine, tea or cider and gaze out your window at the glorious Harvest Moon rising above you.

Blessed Be!

Autumn Equinox: The Enchantment of Mabon Ellen Dugan
Everyday Moon Magic Dorothy Morrison
Moon Magick DJ Conway

First Post Under a Full Moon 09/04/09

It is 3:03 in the morning and I am up drinking a glass of water, uploading photos and thinking about the beautiful Full Moon ritual I just preformed. Well, not just… I actually got home around 11 PM and then spent my time washing some serious stinky dishes, drinking a frosty; A & W sized glass of wine and watching of all things, South Park. To my credit I did not pour my own glass of wine, someone else did for me and chooses the huge glass, though I must admit, at least it saved me from having to refill it. LOL! And my excuse for South Park, its crude, it’s funny and it certainly will bring me back to this world. Though now I am back I am thinking about what occurred…

Let me explain, I am writing this and starting this specific blog, to record and to explore the cycles of the Moon and how they relate to me and how I feel during the different cycles and times. I also will be blogging about the rituals I will be doing every month for the Full Moon. After years of feeling crazy and out of control at the Full Moon, of thinking maybe I should be doing Lunar rituals, but then forgetting about it, putting it on the back burner and just well ignoring my instincts. I finally got what I call, “the cattle prod of the Gods” first the Gods, whispered, then they tapped, then they poked, then the screamed, then they hit, finally they got out the cattle prod and shocked my ass! Well, I finally paid attention and a friend and I started talking and decided to begin doing Full Moon rituals for our group.

Well, we had talked about it but made no solid plans and then after an Ogden Utah Pagan Pride Day meeting, we did our first Full Moon ritual. It was very spontaneous, I just got a call from Melissa and she said, “do you want to do a full moon ritual,” and I said sure, I had wanted to do something for the Full Moon and especially for the eclipse but I was not prepared. Well, I had time to grab some garb, and a book called in Praise of the Moon by Elen Hawke and we were off. We read through the book’s chapter on eclipses and decided to do the pre-eclipse ritual as our ritual. We grabbed black candles, a cauldron to burn them in and some wine and we were off to the Pond/park by Melissa’s house. It was very free flow and non-rehearsed and it worked so well! Melissa and I made a commitment to do Full Moon Rituals every month whether it be in public, just between a few friends or alone. After our ritual we ended up staying up half the night discussing ideas for our rituals.

The incredible feeling of wholeness, and happiness and the increased energy and activity in my mind and in my soul was proof enough that what I was doing was right! I have noticed that I am incredibly intuned with the Moon’s phase, my moods; do seem to follow the pattern that it says they will follow in that book. I have been very jazzed and full of energy and ideas at the New Moon, as the Moon waxes, my moods and ideas solidify and then they come to fruition. It is amazing! I am so glad that I begun doing this! Here are some pictures of Augusts’ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ritual:

Well, for the next Full Moon Melissa and I decided to host a semi private ritual. We did not do this to offend anyone or exclude anyone just to keep the numbers down because we did not want to have too many variables in who would show up and whatnot. Plus we had limited supplies to work with. Well, we decided to do an idea that I have wanted to do for years. We hosted a Full Moon Feast, we had everyone bring a dish of food sacred and corresponding to the Moon, this food did not have to be white but had to be a Moon food. For this ritual we set up a table with glass plates, cups, and bowls and real silverware. We let candles and made the table look both Lunar and Harvesty. We blessed the harvest, people’s efforts and gave prayers of thanksgiving. Then we feasted. It was rather funny it turned out to be an all vegetarian meal with squash soup, potato salad, green salad among other things and wine, lots of wine. We had great conversations and had tasty food and then we all took a minute to clean up and pack up our tablescape, and food and after a small break we were off to do the other part of the ritual. For this ritual we, had a procession, from our spot at the park to the pond. We had sistrums, rattles and other noisemakers and we sung, “we all come from the Goddess,” as we walked.” We walked until we found a nice open spot where you could see the Moon reflecting on the water. We then, brought out our pretty decorated bottles, our bowls, water and Moonstones. I had told people to bring a bottle, and a bowl to use but left the big chunks of Moonstone as a surprise and gift to each participant. After we had poured the water and given out the Moonstones we then gazed to the Moon and to the water and used ourselves as the vessel to be filled with the Moon’s light and to charge our Moon water. Melissa led this and we got most of the words though we did modify a bit from Phyllis Currot’s , Full Moon Magic, or Drawing Down the Moon and Charging Moon Water from her book Witchcrafting.

This charging of the water was a profound experience. I watched as the Moon moved and changed, became three interconnected Moons, I saw the Goddess in the Moon and saw as she grew and pulsated with energy. I let her energy fill me and I became infused with her light, I breathed faster and heavier and it was almost like an orgasm when I let her energy into the water. One curious thing happened though when I let the energy out I saw in my mind’s eye, black flakes be let out in to the water. It looked like the weird stuff that came out of Nicolle’s hot tub when she first cleaned it after it had been sitting unused for years. I do not know if it was the Goddess cleaning m out or what, nor should I know if I should use the water. I let the Moon purify it some more and energetically boil the black away, but I do not know if it is residually there.

It was a beautiful ritual one which we will have to split it into its two parts and use it again for future and more public rituals.

We closed our circle with a toast and farewell to the Elements, Gods and the Moon and we ate almond cookies.

It was a very powerful ritual one I am still coming down from. Here are some photos from the ritual: